Welcome to my home on the web. You may have noted the mountains in the banner are the misty Blue Ridge of North Carolina. Did you know time traveling Highlanders live there? Read about them in the Highland Gardens series. Curious about the big cat? Florida panther~from the Crimson Storm paranormal novel, Sea Panther.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

99 Books @ 99 Cents Holiday Book Fair and Giveaway


December 18-21

If you're craving a great read but your wallet is down to pennies, check out the Holiday Book Fair, with 99 books on sale for 99 cents each. All genres and heat levels of romance, plus mysteries, thrillers, romantic suspense, sci-fi, fantasy and more! That’s just 99 pennies for hours of awesome fiction!

Plus, check in daily to play the scavenger hunt games for a chance to win a $30 Amazon gift card. A new hunt will be posted every day of the fair.

Look for Books from Your Favorite Authors!

Angelica Kate • Bernadette Rowley • C.D. Gorri • Cailin Briste • Candace Sams • Cara Marsi • Cate Parke • Cathy MacRae • CB Samet • Cherry Christensen • Chloe Flowers • Christina McKnight • Crystal Dawn • Cynthia Cooke • Dakota Willink • Danni Roan • Dawn Marie Hamilton • Debbie White • Denise D. Young • Denise Devine • Donna Fasano • Donna Schlachter • Dyan Chick • E.B. Black • Elizabeth Rose • Elsie Davis • Em Petrova • Emberly Hart • Erin Zarro • Honey Phillips • ID Johnson • Isabella Thorne • Jacki Delecki • Jacqueline Diamond • Karen D. Bradley • Kat Samuels • Kerry Blaisdell • Kim Hornsby • Lane McFarland • Laurel Greer • Leeann Betts • Lucy Lakestone • Margaret Tanner • Maria Elena Alonso Sierra • Maria Geraci • Mariah Stone • Marsha A. Moore • Michelle Courtney • Naomi Bellina • Noelle Fox • R.M. Gauthier • Rachel Tsoumbakos • Ravyn Wilde • Ruth Kaufman • S. K. Gregory • Sabrina Kade • Shana Gray • Sierra Kay • Sydney Jane Baily • Tana Stone • Tee Smith • Theresa Beachman • Theresa Hodge • Traci Douglass • Victoria Saccenti • Whitley Cox • Zoe Forward • Aileen Harkwood

~Dawn Marie

Sunday, December 1, 2019

December Historical Romance Giveaway!

December Historical Romance Giveaway
 at Love Kissed Book Bargains!

 December 1 - December 31!

 120 Featured Historical Romance Books
at rock bottom prices (some free)
An amazing giveaway!
Enter to win one of six $50 Amazon Gift Cards.

ENTER at Love Kissed Book Bargains!

~Dawn Marie 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Secret Magicks Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Giveaway

Secret Magicks

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy Romance & Urban Fantasy Giveaway
October 11 - 31

Kindle Fire 7 • Ebook Prize Packs • Amazon Gift Cards • Leather-Bound Spell Book 

Paranormal romance, fantasy romance and urban fantasy lovers, how would you like to take home a Kindle Fire, Amazon gift card, or ebook prize pack where you get to choose the list of books you want from Amazon? Enter now for a chance to win!

Plus, check out the Secret Magicks Book Fair for a scavenger hunt game with a personal, leather-bound spell book up for grabs, and a huge shelf's worth of page-turning vampire, angel, shifter, witch, fae, and other reads for 2.99 or less, some FREE!

(Sponsored by the authors listed below)

Alex Gordon • Angelica R. Jackson • Bernadette Rowley • C.D. Gorri
 Carrie Pulkinen • Christa Paige • Christina McKnight • Dawn Marie Hamilton
 Denise D. Young • E.B. Black • Eichin Chang-Lim • Elizabeth Rose • Erica Monroe
  Greg Alldredge • J.L. Myers • JC Andrijeski • Karen Michelle Nutt • Karina Kantas
 Katherine Gilbert • L.E. Harrison • Lisa Voisin • Megan Starks • Mimi Barbour
 N.D. Jones • Rebecca Hefner • Sedona Venez •  Sharon Ashwood
 Stephanie West • Zoe Dawson

~Dawn Marie

Friday, September 27, 2019

New Distribution Channels for 'Just Within a Highland Mist'

I’ve been doing some more formatting this month. Just Within a Highland Mist, a Highland Gardens novella, the fifth tale in the series is now available at Apple and Kobo in addition to Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Fae pixies are meddling with Gregor’s heart…

At the garden archway, he slipped her hand into his and entered first to ensure naught was awry. He’d vowed to keep her safe.

“Oh, this is lovely,” she said as they traversed the path through the garden beds filled with vegetables and herbs to the rose garden, where he seated her on the turf bench, abloom with small, fragrant white flowers. The gentle scent was heady. As was her beauty.

“I owe you an apology,” she said.

He frowned. “Whatever for?”

“For not believing your story about the pixies.”

“I guess ’tis hard to believe in something you have never seen.”

“I saw one last night.”

Her admission made his brows rise. “You did?”

“Yeah. In my room, while I was bathing. Before you came. She wore a purple gown and had sheer lavender wings. Like that one there.” Emily pointed to a dragonfly-like creature perched on a shiny rose leaf.

He held out a hand and the ebony-haired pixie jounced onto his palm.

Tee teehee hee. Tee teehee hee. Tee teehee hee.

The wee creature’s voice tinkled like the sweetest chimes.

“Here is another!” Emily leapt to her feet and held out a hand. A blonde pixie with green wings landed on an outstretched finger. “This one has iridescent peridot wings.”

Gregor brought his hand closer to his face for a better look at the one he held.

Emily did the same with hers. “Hello,” she murmured.

Tee teehee hee. The pixies giggled again, before blowing dust into their faces. Then with more giggles, they flew away, high over the garden wall.

Emily and Gregor sneezed in unison, and then dropped onto the bench, overcome with laughter. Tears of merriment streamed from both their eyes.

“They are so cute,” Emily said, when she sobered.

Just Within a Highland Mist

Now available at:
Apple and KOBO.

Also available at:
Amazon and Barnes & Noble

~Dawn Marie

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Severe Weather and New Distribution for ‘Just Wait For Me’

August has brought storms to the area where I live. Every evening, so it seems, lightning flashes across a blackened sky and rolling thunder roars. I remember the earth-shattering sound of thunder when I lived in the mountains, but am surprised how loud it can be at sea level.

As the son of the Queen of the Fae, controlling the elements, especially lightning and thunder, is one of Prince Dugaid’s gifts. He display’s this skill in Just Wait For Me, the fourth tale in the Highland Gardens series.

Dugaid stared at the compromised hidey-hole, a snarl curling his lip. How dare his mother remove her protection from the lost bairns? Oonagh was a beautiful woman, sought after by many a man, both fae and mortal, but she lacked even an iota of motherly tendencies. Had the Fae Queen put the bairns in harm’s way? 
His pointed ears perked at a commotion deeper in the wood. A lad cried out as if in pain. Cloaked in the glamour of invisibility, Dugaid followed the scuffling sounds. 
Two of the woodland bairns huddled together on the ground, faces battered and bruised. Dugaid fisted his hands. No one had the right to hurt children. 
An explosive outburst of nature heralded his anger to the world. Lightning sliced the darkening sky. Thunder reverberated over mountains, hills, and glens. Hail pounded the earth. The pungent smell of ozone sharpened the air, making his nostrils flare. 
Maclay’s gaze shot to the ominous sky, and the man frowned. Returning attention to the third bairn, the one he held by the shoulders, he shook the battered lad. “Tell me!” 
When the bairn didn’t answer, Maclay knuckle-slapped him hard across the face. 
The lad cried out. Blood spewed from a broken nose. 
Red also wept through a rag wrapped around Maclay’s wrist, but didn’t hinder the man from inflicting pain on those weaker. “Tell me what you ken of the lass traveling with MacEwen, unless you wish for more of a thrashing.” 
“Nae. Dinnae hurt me anymore,” the lad pleaded. “She is from the future. ’Tis all I ken.” 
Maclay thrust the lad away, grabbed the backpack from the ground, and strode away from the whimpering bairns. Dugaid’s rage boiled. The storm intensified. One especially jagged streak of vertical lightning pierced the ground at Maclay’s feet. 
The villain leapt back, tossing weight from leg to leg, attempting to find balance as the ground rolled and splintered around him. Spider cracks spread from long narrow slits. Trees and rocks tumbled into deep crevasses. The backpack Jillian had brought through the time gate slipped from Maclay’s nerveless fingers. It tumbled into a fissure, got caught by the strap on a branch, and dangled just within reach. 
He dove to retrieve it, but the earth pitched with a violent shudder. The pack dropped into the hole while the vibration joggled Maclay precariously close to the edge. He crabbed backward scarcely in time. One more quake closed the opening. 
In a flash, Dugaid placed a vanishing blanket over the bairns, making them invisible. 
Maclay stood, paced in a small circle, and punched a fist in the air. “Where are those cursed changelings?” 
Unable to release his frustration on the bairns, the nasty devil strode away from the scene of destruction, muttering obscenities. Dugaid hated allowing the man to leave, but there were certain covenants to which he must adhere. As much as he so desired, he mustn’t kill a human. 
Dugaid waited until the man had traveled a great distance before uncloaking himself and the lads. “Can you all walk?” 
“Aye.” The lad with the mismatched eyes helped the older, pudgy fellow, who’d taken the worst beating, rise to his feet. 
“Hie tail to the Caves of the Gray Women and use the pool to heal your injuries.” 
“Many thanks for coming to our aid,” said the lad with a head too large for his child-sized body. 
“You are verra welcome. Now run along and forget you saw me.” Dugaid watched them leave, chanting a spell of protection to keep them safe. 
Then he, too, vanished, traveling through the nether in search of Caitrina. She would never win the challenge if she didn’t keep her mind on the task at hand. He was more than ready to give her a lengthy scolding.

New Distribution Channels for

Just Wait For Me


Now available at:

Apple and Kobo


Also available at:

Amazon and Barnes & Noble

~Dawn Marie

Friday, July 19, 2019

Celebrate the 5oth Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing with a Sale on the Fantasy Romance ‘Just Once in a Verra Blue Moon’

Wow! July 20th, 2019 is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Where did the time go?

The Lunar Module Eagle landed on the moon’s surface at 4:17 p.m. EDT with, if I can believe what I read, less than thirty seconds of fuel remaining. The moon walk took place six hours later.

"…one small step for (a) man,
 one giant leap for mankind."
-Neil Armstrong

I was at girl scout camp in Pennsylvania at the time. We hiked up the hill from the tent sites to the activity center where the counselors had set up a television and we watched the events unfold. ‘Twas exciting. When I returned home from camp, I learned my dad had named our new beagle puppy ‘Moon Shot Duke’. The thought still makes me smile.

I’ve held a special place in my heart for the ‘moon’ ever since.

What are your memories from when Apollo 11 landed on the moon’s surface?

Continue reading for an excerpt from Just Once in a Verra Blue Moon. And then, please share in the comments your memories from the Apollo 11 moon landing. If you were too young or not born at the time, share your thoughts on what you know of the event.

Just Once in a Verra Blue Moon…

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Apple

Blue Ridge Mountains, near the Village of Anderson Creek

Finn inhaled deeply. His lungs filled with fresh mountain air. For the first time in months, he was free of fawning women. Free of the awkward position they put him in.
Patrick’s sword sliced past his face, drawing him from his thoughts. Rain streamed over his bare chest, mixing with sweat. He needed to pay attention. If he weren’t more careful, he’d do a face-plant in the mud.
“You fight like a lass, MacIntyre,” Patrick taunted.
“Hilt is slippery.” Finn cursed under his breath and sought a better grip.
“You must learn to fight under every circumstance. That includes rain. Could save your miserable life someday.”
Grunting, Finn barely ducked the next assault.
Patrick pulled back. “Enough!” He dropped the point of his claymore to the ground and scowled. “’Tis obvious you are not paying attention.”
Trying to catch his breath, Finn gulped air. He glared at his cousin-in-law. “This is supposed to be just for fun.”
“Ach, then. You must try harder to have fun, lad.” Humor lit Patrick’s blue eyes, and he unloosed the leather strip holding back his long chestnut hair. Patrick MacLachlan was a primitive man; to him a workout with the large two-handed sword was child’s play. “At times I forget we live in a modern world.”
Finn shook his head. “You are my fiercest opponent.”
Patrick laughed and placed a hand on Finn’s wet shoulder. “Come. The bairns are at the inn for Rory’s Thursday morning story time. Let us go and warm ourselves by the fire and listen to the old Highlander tell his tales.”
Finn yanked on a soaked t-shirt and followed Patrick across the wet lawn.
About twenty-five eagerly waiting children sat on the plush carpet in the parlor of the Whispering Pines Inn while gossiping moms relaxed on overstuffed floral sofas. A few dads stood nearby, appearing disinterested. Finn knew better. Everyone loved hearing Rory’s stories.
The crackling fire brought much-needed warmth to the dreary mountain morning. Finn joined Patrick at the hearth, hoping his clothes would dry.
Conversation ended when Rory MacNaughton entered from the rear door, his carved walking stick at his side. The elderly gentleman wore dress slacks, a brown tweed jacket with leather patches at the elbows, and a tam covering his white hair. He greeted individuals as he crossed the room and eased onto the tall stool at the center of the parlor. With an age-spotted hand, he motioned for his audience to move closer.
Alert eyes sparkling, Rory glanced at Finn and grinned. One of the men standing nearby snickered. Finn groaned, sure he knew the yarn the storyteller would regale them with.
Taking a deep breath, Rory began…
“The Sithichean, the faeries of the ancient Highlands, had a special affinity for moonstones. Enamored by the pale, lustrous, blue color resembling that of moonlight, they found the best of these unique stones on the shores of their sensuous faerie paradise Tir-nan-Óg—land o’ heart’s desire—having washed ashore on the tides when the sun god and moon maiden were in a particular heavenly harmony.”
Rory leaned forward. “Ye ken this miraculous occurrence happens only once in three, seven-year cycles of the moon…”
He held up an index finger. “Just once in a verra blue moon,” he whispered.
A hush fell across the parlor.
“Handfuls of these precious stones belonged to a beautiful flame-haired faerie with eyes the color and brightness of the most costly emeralds.”
“Caitrina?” a precocious little girl, with red curls and freckles sprinkled across her nose, whispered. Her blond-haired friend giggled, and Rory smiled at the pair.
“She bestowed upon the moonstones magical powers, gifting them to deserving mortals. Some of these charmed stones had the ability to reunite lost lovers. Others gave the bearer the gift of second sight. One especially large gemstone she forged into the hilt of a magnificent Highland claymore, and with a kiss enchanted it with extraordinary power.”
His eyes wide, a boy in front pointed at Finn.
Finn glanced down. He must be a sight, his soaked shirt clinging to his chest and his wet kilt slung low on his hips. He’d grown his hair long and now the knotty, wet strands hung around his shoulders in disarray. Beside him, his sheathed sword leaned against the stone of the fireplace, the large moonstone in its cross-section plain to see.
Rory chuckled, locking gazes with him. With tight lips, Finn shook his head no. He didn’t want the kids to think his sword was the one of which Rory spoke.
“Over the ages, the sword brought many a worthy warrior fame and fortune. That was until the day an evil, dark power used it.” Rory’s voice rose and his pace quickened. “This could not be borne. With green eyes shooting flames of fire, the one who fashioned the splendid weapon cast it far away to vanish in the Sands of Time.”
The storyteller lowered his voice an octave and slowed his speech. “There are those who believe the lost sword of the fae has been found.”
Finn refused to listen to more of the man’s fantasy. He signaled to Patrick he was leaving.
Patrick followed him into the foyer. “Why the rush, lad?”
“My claymore doesn’t have supernatural powers. It’s just an antique sword.”
“Ach, well. Dinnae take offense. Rory means nae insult. He merely wishes for the bairns to believe in a wee bit of magic. Nae harm in that.”

Hope you have a magical day!

~Dawn Marie

Friday, June 21, 2019

Happy Summer Solstice

I love the extra hours of sunlight we have at this time of the year. I hope to spend the day in the garden.

How do you plan to spend the summer solstice?

Hope you have a fabulous day and a magical weekend!

~Dawn Marie

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy Spring!

Happy first day of spring! I love this time of year. Birds are singing sweet songs dressed in their mating plumage. Bulbs blindly planted during the autumn are emerging from the soil, providing bright smiles. Day length–amount of sunlight–is increasing. And the weather is warming. Oh, happy days!

Spring begins in the northern hemisphere this afternoon with the vernal equinox at 5:58 PM EDT. The length of day and night will be nearly equal. And guess what else? A full moon will brighten our skies at 9:43 PM EDT. This will be the third and final supermoon of 2019. How special is that? Very! According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the last time a full moon closely coincided with the spring equinox was in March 2000. The last time they happened on the same date was on March 20, 1981.

What do you plan to do on this first day of Spring?

Since there will be a full moon tonight perhaps a vampire / shapeshifter story is in order. Have you read Sea Panther yet?

e-Book available at Amazon,
B&NKobo, and Apple.

Can love mend a fractured soul?

After evading arrest for Jacobite activities, Scottish nobleman Robert MacLachlan turns privateer. A Caribbean Voodoo priestess curses him to an eternal existence as a vampire shifter torn between the dual natures of a Florida panther and an immortal blood-thirsting man. For centuries, he seeks to reverse the black magic whilst maintaining his honor. Cruising the twenty-first century Atlantic, he becomes shorthanded to sail his 90-foot yacht, Sea Panther. The last thing he wants is a female crew member and the call of her blood.

Although she swore never to sail again after her father died in a sailing accident, Kimberly Scot answers the captain’s crew wanted ad to escape a hit man. She’s lost everything, her fiancé, her job, and most of her money, along with money belonging to her ex-clients. A taste of Kimberly’s blood convinces Robert she is the one woman who can claim the panther’s heart. To break the curse, they travel back in time to where it all began—Jamaica 1715.

~Dawn Marie

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

During my dating years, I dreaded Valentine's day. When the day arrived, I'd smile bravely at the gals who received flowers at the office from their significant others. More often than not, I didn't have a guy in my life because I worked too much. Or the guy in my life wasn't into sending flowers.

My way of enjoying Valentine's day was with a romantic book.

Now that I'm married to my hero, I don't worry about receiving flowers on a specific holiday. We celebrate our love every day of the year. But I still enjoy a romantic read on Valentine's Day.

This year I'm reading A Royal Christmas: Featuring Waiting for a Duke Like You and A Prince in Her Stocking by Shana Galen.

What are you reading?

~Dawn Marie

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Supernatural Birds

After singing its heart out, a wren joins the cardinals, titmice, and chickadees at the feeders. Juncos (also known as snowbirds) swoop in from the mountains and mingle with sparrows and doves foraging within the garden beds. Herons wade in the creek.

Birds--symbols of power and freedom--have often been featured in the mythology and folklore of many countries. From prominent figures in creation stories to messengers of the deities to mediators between humans and the supernatural world, birds represent, strength, love, and wisdom.

Perhaps that is why so many of us enjoy watching birds. Birds have uncanny smarts. If you're lucky, you can observe supernatural bird behaviors in your backyard.

Many birds build elaborate nests without ever getting lessons. They just know how to do it through instinct.

Some birds are born knowing how to navigate by instinct. Hummingbirds hatch during the summer in North America then fly solo a thousand miles or more to their wintering habitat in the tropics, without the guidance of a parent or a flock. In the spring, a hummingbird may return to the place where it began its journey, using its amazing memory. Perhaps you might see one in your backyard hovering around the spot where your sugar feeder previously hung, even though you haven't put the feeder out as of yet. I've seen this occur in my backyard. When I do, I rush to get the cleaned feeder hung. I want to keep the hummers coming to my backyard.


Members of the crow family--jays, ravens, magpies, etc.--have incredible memories. They excel at hiding things and then finding them

Green herons dine on small fish. They've been seen dropping pieces of bread or other bait to lure fish to the surface. Amazing. Right?

I enjoy writing birds into my romance stories...


From Just Once in a Verra Blue Moon, Book 2 in the Highland Gardens series:

She marched across the ridge, her hair blowing in the wind. A loud, rapid kek kek kek kek kek sounded before the whish of wings and the large bird landed on her outstretched arm.

“Trystan, you’ve returned to our mountain. I’m glad to see you, my friend.”

The peregrine falcon murmured close to Caitrina’s ear.

“Ah, you want to feel the sun on your face again. Aye, I imagine the northern tundra was verra cold.”

What happens when a twenty-first century business executive is expected to fulfill a prophecy given at the birth of a sixteenth-century seer? Of course, he must raise his sword in her defense.

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Kobo.

~Dawn Marie

*blog post originally shared at Supernatural Superlatives