Welcome to my home on the web. You may have noted the mountains in the banner are the misty Blue Ridge of North Carolina. Did you know time traveling Highlanders live there? Read about them in the Highland Gardens series. Curious about the big cat? Florida panther~from the Crimson Storm paranormal novel, Sea Panther.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sneak Peek Sunday (#SPeekSunday): Sea Panther

Welcome to Sneak Peek Sunday. Kimberly can't stop thinking about the stranger who'd approached her on the street...

E-book available from Amazon,
Amazon UK
  SmashwordsAppleand Barnes&Noble.
Trade paperback available
at Amazon and Barnes&Noble.
Neptune was throwing a temper tantrum, and the early morning light enhanced the display from where she sat on a blanket in the sand. The sea had always drawn Kimberly, especially when at its fiercest. Her father used to joke that she’d been washed up on shore—the long-lost daughter of the sea god.

She tried to ignore the familiar tug in her chest.

Another white-capped wave crashed on the beach, thundering in her ears. She covered them with the tartan scarf to muffle the sound. The wool smelled of male musk, coffee, and cinnamon.

The scent of the man who’d returned the scarf.

A thrill caught her unaware. Something about him had connected with her on a unique level. Silly, really, she’d never see the man again. Shrugging off the tingling chills, she snuggled deeper into the warmth of her coat and returned the wave of a wetsuit-clad surfer.

He grabbed his board and plunged into the churning sea. The guy must be crazy to brave the water on such a cold morning. Moments later, he became a silhouette against the pink and gold colors of the sunrise as he rode a curl to shore.

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~Dawn Marie


  1. The sense of smell is one of the most powerful links to memories. It's truly amazing to realize the number of different odors humans can detect, far more than scientists once thought possible. I love it when authors include smells as part of the sensory experience. It always helps draw me right into the scene because I can connect so strongly by drawing upon my own memories and experience.

  2. Hi, Christina! I so agree. Scents tickle the memory. :)
