Welcome to my home on the web. You may have noted the mountains in the banner are the misty Blue Ridge of North Carolina. Did you know time traveling Highlanders live there? Read about them in the Highland Gardens series. Curious about the big cat? Florida panther~from the Crimson Storm paranormal novel, Sea Panther.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sneak Peek Sunday (#SPeekSunday): Sea Panther

Welcome to Sneak Peek Sunday. Kimberly has gone to the address mentioned in an ad for a crew position on the 90-ft yacht—Sea Panther...

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The sign over the door hung from one hook. There were two, fifty-dollar pickups parked in the gravel lot. Not exactly encouraging.

A chill breeze tickled her cheeks, and she shoved her hands into deep coat pockets. The sun sat high in the cloudless sky. If there was a better time to get this over with, she didn’t know it. The last thing she wanted was to be here after dark.

Kimberly stiffened her spine and marched to the door, the crunch of frozen gravel overloud, then pulled the index card out of the pocket and stared at the masculine penned block letters. Rusty Scupper.

This is the place. Layers of chipped black paint and battered hinges. Looked as if the door had been kicked in dozens of times. The owner of the B&B had hinted this section of town had a seedy reputation. Guess he got that right.

Maybe it would be better not—

Get a grip, Kimberly. You can do this. She grabbed the grimy knob and twisted.

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~Dawn Marie


  1. Another great excerpt. You've created exactly the right mood, I think. You're definitely building suspense.

    1. Thanks, Christina. I spent quite a bit of time on writing and rewriting this part of the story. :)

  2. Great peek! The suspense is building nicely.

    1. Hi, V. L! Thanks! 'Sea Panther' was a fun story to write, but I stressed over getting just the right mood.
