Welcome to my home on the web. You may have noted the mountains in the banner are the misty Blue Ridge of North Carolina. Did you know time traveling Highlanders live there? Read about them in the Highland Gardens series. Curious about the big cat? Florida panther~from the Crimson Storm paranormal novel, Sea Panther.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sneak Peek Sunday - 'Just Beyond the Garden Gate'

For this week's Sneak Peek, we'll continue from where we left off last Sunday. Patrick is escorting the strange lass (Laurie), whom he found near the faerie mound, to his castle. For more Sneak Peek fun, check out the other participating authors by clicking the link below. Hope you enjoy this wee snippet!

She teetered and collapsed against him.
He shook her. Even with gentle slaps to her cheeks, she didn’t respond.
For all the saints, what was he to do with her now? He lifted her and carried her to the water’s edge. She weighed naught and was easy to carry.
Patrick placed her into the currach he’d left on the beach. She didn’t stir, and a knot of alarm twisted in his stomach. He climbed in behind her and sat. The small boat, made of skins and wicker, pitched. He carefully settled himself and pulled the lass onto his lap—to balance the boat, not for any other reason.
Paddle in hand, he rowed toward the opposite shore.
He frowned at the limp woman. Women didn’t swoon in his presence. There must be something wrong with the lass. At least her chest rose and fell with her breath. He hadn’t scared her to death.

Here's where I'll be this week:

6/24 Fresh Fiction
6/26 Golden Heart Firebirds
6/27 Melissa Limoges's Blog

Full Moon Book Giveaeay
Visit the Full Moon Book giveaway today. I'm giving away two e-copies of Just Beyond the Garden Gate.

Click here
to join in the fun
and hop along
with Sneak Peek Sunday.

~Dawn Marie


  1. Nice snippet and such a fun story! Wouldn’t it be lovely to be a heroine who “weighs naught” and is easy to carry? :) Looking forward to more peeks.

  2. Hi, Delynn. It's been a very long time since I weighed naught. LOL! Thanks for stopping by for a peek.
