Finn must prove his worth to the Highlanders with a trial of vigor...
Just Once in a Verra Blue Moon
A Highland Gardens Novel
Bk #2
Finn warded off the first cut with the flat of his blade. Counterattacking, his feet firmly planted, he used his hips to bring power to his blow. The large two-handed sword was heavy. He heard Iain’s instructions in his head. “Bring the fight to an end swiftly, lad, before you become overly fatigued and are injured, or accidentally wound your opponent.”

flashed. Rolling thunder reverberated in his ears.
Each clash of his sword sent
vibrations shooting up his arms, thrumming inside his chest, racing down his
spine, spreading through his nervous system. Instead of weakening him, the
pulsating energy made him more powerful.
With every stroke, he wielded
his sword with renewed strength, his senses enhanced. He moved from one blow to
the next, his blade in constant motion.
A blur of silver fabric
startled him, but he deflected the next strike with finesse.
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~Dawn Marie